Basic Recipes | Advanced Recipes | Recipe Flags | Recipe Books | Name Index | Commands & Permissions
Commands & permissions
/rm Permission: recipemanager.command.rm Aliases: recipemanager, rmhelp |
plugin info and available commands プラグインの情報と利用可能なコマンド |
/rmrecipes <material>:[data]:[amount] [i] Permission: recipemanager.command.rmrecipes Aliases: recipe, recipes |
find recipes that use the specified item 指定したアイテムが使用されているレシピを探す |
/rmfinditem <name> Permission: recipemanager.command.rmfinditem Aliases: finditem |
search for items by name or id 名前またはIDでアイテムを検索 |
/rmcheck Permission: recipemanager.command.rmecheck Aliases: checkrecipes |
simulates loading recipe files to check for errors シミュレーションして読み込まれたレシピファイルのエラーをチェックする |
/rmreload Permission: recipemanager.command.rmreload Aliases: reloadrecipes |
reload recipes/settings/books/etc. レシピ、設定、本、その他を再読込する |
/rmreloadbooks Permission: recipemanager.command.rmreloadbooks Aliases: reloadbooks |
reload only recipe books レシピブックのみリロード |
/rmextractrecipe Permission: recipemanager.command.rmextractrecipe Aliases: extractrecipe |
export item in hand to a recipe レシピのアイテムを手に取得する |
/rmextract [special] Permission: recipemanager.command.rmextract Aliases: rmimport, importrecipes, extractrecipes |
makes all recipes from other plugins or mods into a text file to allow overriding and editing 他のプラグインやModから作成可能な全てのレシピを、テキストファイルへ上書き・編集をする。 |
/rmgetbook <title> [#<volume>] Permission: recipemanager.command.rmgetbook Aliases: getrecipebook |
gives a recipe book レシピ本を与える |
/rmbooks Permission: recipemanager.command.rmbooks Aliases: recipebooks |
lists available recipe books 利用可能なレシピ本をリスト |
/rmupdate Permission: recipemanager.command.rmupdate Aliases: rmcheckupdates |
checks if there’s a newer version available for the plugin 利用可能な新しいバージョンのプラグインがあるかチェックする |
Permission node 権限ノード |
Defaulted to 初期値は |
Description 説明 |
recipemanager.craft | Everybody | Toggles ability to craft all recipes 全てのレシピを作るための切り替え |
recipemanager.user | Everybody | Gives basic user access 基本的なユーザアクセス |
recipemanager.admin | OP | Access to the admin commands 管理者コマンドへのアクセス |
recipemanager.debugger | OP | Get error messages when online オンライン時にエラーメッセージを取得する |
recipemanager.updatebooks | Everybody | Allows player’s recipe books to be updated プレイヤーのレシピ本が更新出来るようにする |
recipemanager.command.rm | Everybody | |
recipemanager.command.rmrecipes | Everybody | |
recipemanager.command.rmfinditem | Everybody | |
recipemanager.command.rmecheck | OP | |
recipemanager.command.rmreload | OP | |
recipemanager.command.rmreloadbooks | OP | |
recipemanager.command.rmextractrecipe | OP | |
recipemanager.command.rmextract | OP | |
recipemanager.command.rmgetbook | OP | |
recipemanager.command.rmbooks | OP | |
recipemanager.command.rmupdate | OP | |
recipemanager.flag.* | Everybody | Allows use of flag. |
recipemanager.flag.command | Everybody | Allows use of the @command flag. |
recipemanager.flag.keepitem | Everybody | Allows use of the @keepitem flag. |
recipemanager.flag.ingredientcondition | Everybody | Allows use of the @ingredientcondition flag. |
recipemanager.flag.permission | Everybody | Allows use of the @permission flag. |
recipemanager.flag.forpermission | Everybody | Allows use of the @forpermission flag. |
recipemanager.flag.forchance | Everybody | Allows use of the @forchance flag. | | Everybody | Allows use of the @group flag. | | Everybody | Allows use of the @world flag. |
recipemanager.flag.height | Everybody | Allows use of the @height flag. |
recipemanager.flag.modexp | Everybody | Allows use of the @modexp flag. |
recipemanager.flag.needexp | Everybody | Allows use of the @needexp flag. |
recipemanager.flag.modlevel | Everybody | Allows use of the @modlevel flag. |
recipemanager.flag.needlevel | Everybody | Allows use of the @needlevel flag. |
recipemanager.flag.modmoney | Everybody | Allows use of the @modmoney flag. |
recipemanager.flag.needmoney | Everybody | Allows use of the @needmoney flag. |
recipemanager.flag.cooldown | Everybody | Allows use of the @cooldown flag. |
recipemanager.flag.holditem | Everybody | Allows use of the @holditem flag. |
recipemanager.flag.gamemode | Everybody | Allows use of the @gamemode flag. |
recipemanager.flag.lightlevel | Everybody | Allows use of the @lightlevel flag. |
recipemanager.flag.biome | Everybody | Allows use of the @biome flag. | | Everybody | Allows use of the @weather flag. |
recipemanager.flag.explode | Everybody | Allows use of the @explode flag. |
recipemanager.flag.sound | Everybody | Allows use of the @sound flag. |
recipemanager.flag.summon | Everybody | Allows use of the @summon flag. |
recipemanager.flag.blockpowered | Everybody | Allows use of the @blockpowered flag. |
recipemanager.flag.potioneffect | Everybody | Allows use of the @potioneffect flag. |
recipemanager.flag.launchfirework | Everybody | Allows use of the @launchfirework flag. |
recipemanager.flag.setblock | Everybody | Allows use of the @setblock flag. |
recipemanager.flag.message | Everybody | Allows use of the @message flag. |
recipemanager.flag.broadcast | Everybody | Allows use of the @broadcast flag. |
recipemanager.flag.secret | Everybody | Allows use of the @secret flag. |
recipemanager.flag.temperature | Everybody | Allows use of the @temperature flag. |
recipemanager.flag.failmessage | Everybody | Allows use of the @failmessage flag. |
recipemanager.flag.displayresult | Everybody | Allows use of the @displayresult flag. |
recipemanager.flag.restrict | Everybody | Allows use of the @restrict flag. |
recipemanager.flag.cloneingredient | Everybody | Allows use of the @cloneingredient flag. |
recipemanager.flag.itemname | Everybody | Allows use of the @itemname flag. |
recipemanager.flag.itemlore | Everybody | Allows use of the @itemlore flag. |
recipemanager.flag.leathercolor | Everybody | Allows use of the @leathercolor flag. |
recipemanager.flag.bookitem | Everybody | Allows use of the @bookitem flag. |
recipemanager.flag.fireworkitem | Everybody | Allows use of the @fireworkitem flag. |
recipemanager.flag.fireworkchargeitem | Everybody | Allows use of the @fireworkchargeitem flag. |
recipemanager.flag.skullowner | Everybody | Allows use of the @skullowner flag. |
recipemanager.flag.potionitem | Everybody | Allows use of the @potionitem flag. |
recipemanager.flag.enchantitem | Everybody | Allows use of the @enchantitem flag. |
recipemanager.flag.enchantedbook | Everybody | Allows use of the @enchantedbook flag. |
recipemanager.flag.getrecipebook | Everybody | Allows use of the @getrecipebook flag. |
For the flag permissions you can use the flag’s aliases as well, I filtered them from this list because it would’ve become too long, but the permissions are there.
For example, recipemanager.flag.modexp and recipemanager.flag.xp both affect the same flag, the @modexp flag, since ‘xp’ is an alias for ‘modexp’.