- Translation(BT)
<BlockType>.getTranslation().get()で取れる値です。主に表示名なのですが、Stoneが「」と出るなど微妙な感じですね。 - Translation(IT)
BlockTypeをItemTypeへ変換してgetTranslationした内容です。BlockTypeよりちゃんと変換してくれますが、Airの様にItemとして無い物は出ないようですね(ItemTypeが存在しない箇所は、BlockTypeの値を書いてます) - Name:ID
Translation(BT) | Translation(IT) | Name:ID |
---|---|---| | | air | | Stone | stone | | Granite | stone:1 | | Polished Granite | stone:2 | | Diorite | stone:3 | | Polished Diorite | stone:4 | | Andesite | stone:5 | | Polished Andesite | stone:6 |
Grass Block | Grass Block | grass |
Dirt | Dirt | dirt |
Dirt | Coarse Dirt | dirt:1 |
Dirt | Podzol | dirt:2 |
Dirt | Dirt | dirt |
Dirt | Coarse Dirt | dirt:1 |
Dirt | Podzol | dirt:2 |
Cobblestone | Cobblestone | cobblestone |
Wooden Planks | Oak Wood Planks | planks |
Wooden Planks | Spruce Wood Planks | planks:1 |
Wooden Planks | Birch Wood Planks | planks:2 |
Wooden Planks | Jungle Wood Planks | planks:3 |
Wooden Planks | Acacia Wood Planks | planks:4 |
Wooden Planks | Dark Oak Wood Planks | planks:5 | | Oak Sapling | sapling | | Spruce Sapling | sapling:1 | | Birch Sapling | sapling:2 | | Jungle Sapling | sapling:3 | | Acacia Sapling | sapling:4 | | Dark Oak Sapling | sapling:5 | | Oak Sapling | sapling | | Spruce Sapling | sapling:1 | | Birch Sapling | sapling:2 | | Jungle Sapling | sapling:3 | | Acacia Sapling | sapling:4 | | Dark Oak Sapling | sapling:5 |
Bedrock | Bedrock | bedrock |
Water | Water | flowing_water |
Water | Water | water |
Lava | Lava | flowing_lava |
Lava | Lava | lava |
Sand | Sand | sand |
Sand | Red Sand | sand:1 |
Gravel | Gravel | gravel |
Gold Ore | Gold Ore | gold_ore |
Iron Ore | Iron Ore | iron_ore |
Coal Ore | Coal Ore | coal_ore |
Wood | Oak Wood | log |
Wood | Spruce Wood | log:1 |
Wood | Birch Wood | log:2 |
Wood | Jungle Wood | log:3 |
Wood | Oak Wood | log |
Wood | Spruce Wood | log:1 |
Wood | Birch Wood | log:2 |
Wood | Jungle Wood | log:3 |
Wood | Oak Wood | log |
Wood | Spruce Wood | log:1 |
Wood | Birch Wood | log:2 |
Wood | Jungle Wood | log:3 |
Wood | Oak Wood | log |
Wood | Spruce Wood | log:1 |
Wood | Birch Wood | log:2 |
Wood | Jungle Wood | log:3 |
Leaves | Oak Leaves | leaves |
Leaves | Spruce Leaves | leaves:1 |
Leaves | Birch Leaves | leaves:2 |
Leaves | Jungle Leaves | leaves:3 |
Leaves | Oak Leaves | leaves |
Leaves | Spruce Leaves | leaves:1 |
Leaves | Birch Leaves | leaves:2 |
Leaves | Jungle Leaves | leaves:3 |
Leaves | Oak Leaves | leaves |
Leaves | Spruce Leaves | leaves:1 |
Leaves | Birch Leaves | leaves:2 |
Leaves | Jungle Leaves | leaves:3 |
Leaves | Oak Leaves | leaves |
Leaves | Spruce Leaves | leaves:1 |
Leaves | Birch Leaves | leaves:2 |
Leaves | Jungle Leaves | leaves:3 | | Wet Sponge | sponge:1 | | Sponge | sponge |
Glass | Glass | glass |
Lapis Lazuli Ore | Lapis Lazuli Ore | lapis_ore |
Lapis Lazuli Block | Lapis Lazuli Block | lapis_block |
Dispenser | Dispenser | dispenser |
Sandstone | Sandstone | sandstone |
Sandstone | Chiseled Sandstone | sandstone:1 |
Sandstone | Smooth Sandstone | sandstone:2 |
Note Block | Note Block | noteblock |
Bed | Bed | bed |
Powered Rail | Powered Rail | golden_rail |
Detector Rail | Detector Rail | detector_rail |
Sticky Piston | Sticky Piston | sticky_piston |
Cobweb | Cobweb | web |
Grass | Shrub | tallgrass |
Grass | Grass | tallgrass:1 |
Grass | Fern | tallgrass:2 |
Dead Bush | Dead Bush | deadbush |
Piston | Piston | piston |
Piston | Piston | piston_head |
Wool | Wool | wool |
Wool | Orange Wool | wool:1 |
Wool | Magenta Wool | wool:2 |
Wool | Light Blue Wool | wool:3 |
Wool | Yellow Wool | wool:4 |
Wool | Lime Wool | wool:5 |
Wool | Pink Wool | wool:6 |
Wool | Gray Wool | wool:7 |
Wool | Light Gray Wool | wool:8 |
Wool | Cyan Wool | wool:9 |
Wool | Purple Wool | wool:10 |
Wool | Blue Wool | wool:11 |
Wool | Brown Wool | wool:12 |
Wool | Green Wool | wool:13 |
Wool | Red Wool | wool:14 |
Wool | Black Wool | wool:15 | | | piston_extension |
Flower | Dandelion | yellow_flower |
Flower | Poppy | red_flower |
Flower | Blue Orchid | red_flower:1 |
Flower | Allium | red_flower:2 |
Flower | Azure Bluet | red_flower:3 |
Flower | Red Tulip | red_flower:4 |
Flower | Orange Tulip | red_flower:5 |
Flower | White Tulip | red_flower:6 |
Flower | Pink Tulip | red_flower:7 |
Flower | Oxeye Daisy | red_flower:8 |
Mushroom | Mushroom | brown_mushroom |
Mushroom | Mushroom | red_mushroom |
Block of Gold | Block of Gold | gold_block |
Block of Iron | Block of Iron | iron_block |
Stone Slab | Stone Slab | double_stone_slab |
Stone Slab | Stone Slab | stone_slab |
Stone Slab | Sandstone Slab | stone_slab:1 |
Stone Slab | Wooden Slab | stone_slab:2 |
Stone Slab | Cobblestone Slab | stone_slab:3 |
Stone Slab | Bricks Slab | stone_slab:4 |
Stone Slab | Stone Bricks Slab | stone_slab:5 |
Stone Slab | Nether Brick Slab | stone_slab:6 |
Stone Slab | Quartz Slab | stone_slab:7 |
Stone Slab | Stone Slab | stone_slab |
Stone Slab | Sandstone Slab | stone_slab:1 |
Stone Slab | Wooden Slab | stone_slab:2 |
Stone Slab | Cobblestone Slab | stone_slab:3 |
Stone Slab | Bricks Slab | stone_slab:4 |
Stone Slab | Stone Bricks Slab | stone_slab:5 |
Stone Slab | Nether Brick Slab | stone_slab:6 |
Stone Slab | Quartz Slab | stone_slab:7 |
Bricks | Bricks | brick_block |
TNT | TNT | tnt |
Bookshelf | Bookshelf | bookshelf |
Moss Stone | Moss Stone | mossy_cobblestone |
Obsidian | Obsidian | obsidian |
Torch | Torch | torch |
Fire | Fire | fire |
Monster Spawner | Monster Spawner | mob_spawner |
Oak Wood Stairs | Oak Wood Stairs | oak_stairs |
Chest | Chest | chest |
Redstone Dust | Redstone Dust | redstone_wire |
Diamond Ore | Diamond Ore | diamond_ore |
Block of Diamond | Block of Diamond | diamond_block |
Crafting Table | Crafting Table | crafting_table |
Crops | Crops | wheat |
Farmland | Farmland | farmland |
Furnace | Furnace | furnace |
Furnace | Furnace | lit_furnace |
Sign | Sign | standing_sign | | | wooden_door |
Ladder | Ladder | ladder |
Rail | Rail | rail |
Cobblestone Stairs | Cobblestone Stairs | stone_stairs |
Sign | Sign | wall_sign |
Lever | Lever | lever |
Stone Pressure Plate | Stone Pressure Plate | stone_pressure_plate |
Iron Door | Iron Door | iron_door |
Wooden Pressure Plate | Wooden Pressure Plate | wooden_pressure_plate |
Redstone Ore | Redstone Ore | redstone_ore |
Redstone Ore | Redstone Ore | lit_redstone_ore |
Redstone Torch | Redstone Torch | unlit_redstone_torch |
Redstone Torch | Redstone Torch | redstone_torch |
Button | Button | stone_button |
Snow | Snow | snow_layer |
Ice | Ice | ice |
Snow | Snow | snow |
Cactus | Cactus | cactus |
Clay | Clay | clay |
Sugar cane | Sugar cane | reeds |
Jukebox | Jukebox | jukebox |
Oak Fence | Oak Fence | fence |
Pumpkin | Pumpkin | pumpkin |
Netherrack | Netherrack | netherrack |
Soul Sand | Soul Sand | soul_sand |
Glowstone | Glowstone | glowstone |
Portal | Portal | portal |
Jack o’Lantern | Jack o’Lantern | lit_pumpkin |
Cake | Cake | cake | | | unpowered_repeater | | | powered_repeater |
Stained Glass | White Stained Glass | stained_glass |
Stained Glass | Orange Stained Glass | stained_glass:1 |
Stained Glass | Magenta Stained Glass | stained_glass:2 |
Stained Glass | Light Blue Stained Glass | stained_glass:3 |
Stained Glass | Yellow Stained Glass | stained_glass:4 |
Stained Glass | Lime Stained Glass | stained_glass:5 |
Stained Glass | Pink Stained Glass | stained_glass:6 |
Stained Glass | Gray Stained Glass | stained_glass:7 |
Stained Glass | Light Gray Stained Glass | stained_glass:8 |
Stained Glass | Cyan Stained Glass | stained_glass:9 |
Stained Glass | Purple Stained Glass | stained_glass:10 |
Stained Glass | Blue Stained Glass | stained_glass:11 |
Stained Glass | Brown Stained Glass | stained_glass:12 |
Stained Glass | Green Stained Glass | stained_glass:13 |
Stained Glass | Red Stained Glass | stained_glass:14 |
Stained Glass | Black Stained Glass | stained_glass:15 |
Wooden Trapdoor | Wooden Trapdoor | trapdoor |
Stone Monster Egg | Stone Monster Egg | monster_egg |
Stone Monster Egg | Cobblestone Monster Egg | monster_egg:1 |
Stone Monster Egg | Stone Brick Monster Egg | monster_egg:2 |
Stone Monster Egg | Mossy Stone Brick Monster Egg | monster_egg:3 |
Stone Monster Egg | Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg | monster_egg:4 |
Stone Monster Egg | Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg | monster_egg:5 |
Stone Bricks | Stone Bricks | stonebrick |
Stone Bricks | Mossy Stone Bricks | stonebrick:1 |
Stone Bricks | Cracked Stone Bricks | stonebrick:2 |
Stone Bricks | Chiseled Stone Bricks | stonebrick:3 |
Mushroom | Mushroom | brown_mushroom_block |
Mushroom | Mushroom | red_mushroom_block |
Iron Bars | Iron Bars | iron_bars |
Glass Pane | Glass Pane | glass_pane |
Melon | Melon | melon_block |
Pumpkin Stem | Pumpkin Stem | pumpkin_stem |
Pumpkin Stem | Pumpkin Stem | melon_stem |
Vines | Vines | vine |
Oak Fence Gate | Oak Fence Gate | fence_gate |
Brick Stairs | Brick Stairs | brick_stairs |
Stone Brick Stairs | Stone Brick Stairs | stone_brick_stairs |
Mycelium | Mycelium | mycelium |
Lily Pad | Lily Pad | waterlily |
Nether Brick | Nether Brick | nether_brick |
Nether Brick Fence | Nether Brick Fence | nether_brick_fence |
Nether Brick Stairs | Nether Brick Stairs | nether_brick_stairs |
Nether Wart | Nether Wart | nether_wart |
Enchantment Table | Enchantment Table | enchanting_table | | | brewing_stand |
Cauldron | Cauldron | cauldron | | | end_portal |
End Portal | End Portal | end_portal_frame |
End Stone | End Stone | end_stone |
Dragon Egg | Dragon Egg | dragon_egg |
Redstone Lamp | Redstone Lamp | redstone_lamp |
Redstone Lamp | Redstone Lamp | lit_redstone_lamp |
Wood Slab | Wood Slab | double_wooden_slab |
Wood Slab | Oak Wood Slab | wooden_slab |
Wood Slab | Spruce Wood Slab | wooden_slab:1 |
Wood Slab | Birch Wood Slab | wooden_slab:2 |
Wood Slab | Jungle Wood Slab | wooden_slab:3 |
Wood Slab | Acacia Wood Slab | wooden_slab:4 |
Wood Slab | Dark Oak Wood Slab | wooden_slab:5 |
Wood Slab | Oak Wood Slab | wooden_slab |
Wood Slab | Spruce Wood Slab | wooden_slab:1 |
Wood Slab | Birch Wood Slab | wooden_slab:2 |
Wood Slab | Jungle Wood Slab | wooden_slab:3 |
Wood Slab | Acacia Wood Slab | wooden_slab:4 |
Wood Slab | Dark Oak Wood Slab | wooden_slab:5 |
Cocoa | Cocoa | cocoa |
Sandstone Stairs | Sandstone Stairs | sandstone_stairs |
Emerald Ore | Emerald Ore | emerald_ore |
Ender Chest | Ender Chest | ender_chest |
Tripwire Hook | Tripwire Hook | tripwire_hook |
Tripwire | Tripwire | tripwire |
Block of Emerald | Block of Emerald | emerald_block |
Spruce Wood Stairs | Spruce Wood Stairs | spruce_stairs |
Birch Wood Stairs | Birch Wood Stairs | birch_stairs |
Jungle Wood Stairs | Jungle Wood Stairs | jungle_stairs |
Command Block | Command Block | command_block |
Beacon | Beacon | beacon | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall | | Mossy Cobblestone Wall | cobblestone_wall:1 | | | flower_pot |
Carrots | Carrots | carrots |
Potatoes | Potatoes | potatoes |
Button | Button | wooden_button | | | skull |
Anvil | Anvil | anvil |
Trapped Chest | Trapped Chest | trapped_chest |
Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) | Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) | light_weighted_pressure_plate |
Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) | Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) | heavy_weighted_pressure_plate | | | unpowered_comparator | | | powered_comparator |
Daylight Sensor | Daylight Sensor | daylight_detector |
Block of Redstone | Block of Redstone | redstone_block |
Nether Quartz Ore | Nether Quartz Ore | quartz_ore |
Hopper | Hopper | hopper |
Block of Quartz | Block of Quartz | quartz_block |
Block of Quartz | Chiseled Quartz Block | quartz_block:1 |
Block of Quartz | Pillar Quartz Block | quartz_block:2 |
Quartz Stairs | Quartz Stairs | quartz_stairs |
Activator Rail | Activator Rail | activator_rail |
Dropper | Dropper | dropper |
Stained Hardened Clay | White Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay |
Stained Hardened Clay | Orange Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:1 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Magenta Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:2 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Light Blue Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:3 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Yellow Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:4 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Lime Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:5 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Pink Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:6 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Gray Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:7 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Light Gray Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:8 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Cyan Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:9 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Purple Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:10 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Blue Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:11 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Brown Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:12 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Green Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:13 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Red Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:14 |
Stained Hardened Clay | Black Hardened Clay | stained_hardened_clay:15 |
Stained Glass Pane | White Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane |
Stained Glass Pane | Orange Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:1 |
Stained Glass Pane | Magenta Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:2 |
Stained Glass Pane | Light Blue Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:3 |
Stained Glass Pane | Yellow Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:4 |
Stained Glass Pane | Lime Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:5 |
Stained Glass Pane | Pink Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:6 |
Stained Glass Pane | Gray Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:7 |
Stained Glass Pane | Light Gray Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:8 |
Stained Glass Pane | Cyan Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:9 |
Stained Glass Pane | Purple Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:10 |
Stained Glass Pane | Blue Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:11 |
Stained Glass Pane | Brown Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:12 |
Stained Glass Pane | Green Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:13 |
Stained Glass Pane | Red Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:14 |
Stained Glass Pane | Black Stained Glass Pane | stained_glass_pane:15 |
Leaves | Acacia Leaves | leaves2 |
Leaves | Dark Oak Leaves | leaves2:1 |
Leaves | Acacia Leaves | leaves2 |
Leaves | Dark Oak Leaves | leaves2:1 |
Leaves | Acacia Leaves | leaves2 |
Leaves | Dark Oak Leaves | leaves2:1 |
Leaves | Acacia Leaves | leaves2 |
Leaves | Dark Oak Leaves | leaves2:1 |
Wood | Acacia Wood | log2 |
Wood | Dark Oak Wood | log2:1 |
Wood | Acacia Wood | log2 |
Wood | Dark Oak Wood | log2:1 |
Wood | Acacia Wood | log2 |
Wood | Dark Oak Wood | log2:1 |
Wood | Acacia Wood | log2 |
Wood | Dark Oak Wood | log2:1 |
Acacia Wood Stairs | Acacia Wood Stairs | acacia_stairs |
Dark Oak Wood Stairs | Dark Oak Wood Stairs | dark_oak_stairs |
Slime Block | Slime Block | slime |
Barrier | Barrier | barrier |
Iron Trapdoor | Iron Trapdoor | iron_trapdoor | | Prismarine | prismarine | | Prismarine Bricks | prismarine:1 | | Dark Prismarine | prismarine:2 |
Sea Lantern | Sea Lantern | sea_lantern |
Hay Bale | Hay Bale | hay_block |
Carpet | Carpet | carpet |
Hardened Clay | Hardened Clay | hardened_clay |
Block of Coal | Block of Coal | coal_block |
Packed Ice | Packed Ice | packed_ice |
Plant | Sunflower | double_plant |
Plant | Lilac | double_plant:1 |
Plant | Double Tallgrass | double_plant:2 |
Plant | Large Fern | double_plant:3 |
Plant | Rose Bush | double_plant:4 |
Plant | Peony | double_plant:5 |
Plant | Sunflower | double_plant |
Plant | Lilac | double_plant:1 |
Plant | Double Tallgrass | double_plant:2 |
Plant | Large Fern | double_plant:3 |
Plant | Rose Bush | double_plant:4 |
Plant | Peony | double_plant:5 |
Plant | Sunflower | double_plant |
Plant | Lilac | double_plant:1 |
Plant | Double Tallgrass | double_plant:2 |
Plant | Large Fern | double_plant:3 |
Plant | Rose Bush | double_plant:4 |
Plant | Peony | double_plant:5 |
Plant | Sunflower | double_plant |
Plant | Lilac | double_plant:1 |
Plant | Double Tallgrass | double_plant:2 |
Plant | Large Fern | double_plant:3 |
Plant | Rose Bush | double_plant:4 |
Plant | Peony | double_plant:5 |
Plant | Sunflower | double_plant |
Plant | Lilac | double_plant:1 |
Plant | Double Tallgrass | double_plant:2 |
Plant | Large Fern | double_plant:3 |
Plant | Rose Bush | double_plant:4 |
Plant | Peony | double_plant:5 |
Plant | Sunflower | double_plant |
Plant | Lilac | double_plant:1 |
Plant | Double Tallgrass | double_plant:2 |
Plant | Large Fern | double_plant:3 |
Plant | Rose Bush | double_plant:4 |
Plant | Peony | double_plant:5 |
Plant | Sunflower | double_plant |
Plant | Lilac | double_plant:1 |
Plant | Double Tallgrass | double_plant:2 |
Plant | Large Fern | double_plant:3 |
Plant | Rose Bush | double_plant:4 |
Plant | Peony | double_plant:5 |
Plant | Sunflower | double_plant |
Plant | Lilac | double_plant:1 |
Plant | Double Tallgrass | double_plant:2 |
Plant | Large Fern | double_plant:3 |
Plant | Rose Bush | double_plant:4 |
Plant | Peony | double_plant:5 | | | banner | | | wall_banner |
Daylight Sensor | Daylight Sensor | daylight_detector_inverted |
Red Sandstone | Red Sandstone | red_sandstone |
Red Sandstone | Chiseled Red Sandstone | red_sandstone:1 |
Red Sandstone | Smooth Red Sandstone | red_sandstone:2 |
Red Sandstone Stairs | Red Sandstone Stairs | red_sandstone_stairs | | | double_stone_slab2 | | Red Sandstone Slab | stone_slab2 |
Spruce Fence Gate | Spruce Fence Gate | spruce_fence_gate |
Birch Fence Gate | Birch Fence Gate | birch_fence_gate |
Jungle Fence Gate | Jungle Fence Gate | jungle_fence_gate |
Dark Oak Fence Gate | Dark Oak Fence Gate | dark_oak_fence_gate |
Acacia Fence Gate | Acacia Fence Gate | acacia_fence_gate |
Spruce Fence | Spruce Fence | spruce_fence |
Birch Fence | Birch Fence | birch_fence |
Jungle Fence | Jungle Fence | jungle_fence |
Dark Oak Fence | Dark Oak Fence | dark_oak_fence |
Acacia Fence | Acacia Fence | acacia_fence | | | spruce_door | | | birch_door | | | jungle_door | | | acacia_door | | | dark_oak_door |
End Rod | End Rod | end_rod |
Chorus Plant | Chorus Plant | chorus_plant |
Chorus Flower | Chorus Flower | chorus_flower |
Purpur Block | Purpur Block | purpur_block |
Purpur Pillar | Purpur Pillar | purpur_pillar |
Purpur Stairs | Purpur Stairs | purpur_stairs |
Purpur Slab | Purpur Slab | purpur_double_slab |
Purpur Slab | Purpur Slab | purpur_slab |
End Stone Bricks | End Stone Bricks | end_bricks |
Beetroots | Beetroots | beetroots |
Grass Path | Grass Path | grass_path | | | end_gateway |
Repeating Command Block | Repeating Command Block | repeating_command_block |
Chain Command Block | Chain Command Block | chain_command_block |
Frosted Ice | Frosted Ice | frosted_ice |
Magma Block | Magma Block | magma |
Nether Wart Block | Nether Wart Block | nether_wart_block |
Red Nether Brick | Red Nether Brick | red_nether_brick |
Bone Block | Bone Block | bone_block |
Structure Void | Structure Void | structure_void |
Structure Block | Structure Block | structure_block |